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10 Apr 2013
Creative Economy Factions MCMMO PvE PvP Raiding Roleplay Survival ?

Full description of Runsafe
*Server Name: Runsafe
*Server Locale: Norway/UK
*Website: http://minecraft.runsafe.no
*Wiki: http://wiki.runsafe.no
*Server Address/IP: minecraft.runsafe.no
*TeamSpeak3 Address: voice.runsafe.no
Since the server opened to the public in 2011, Runsafe has grown into well-maintained server with a dedicated team of staff and an ever-growing player community. Our core team members are a range of highly skilled individuals with experience in various fields -- from system admins to in-house programmers, we have someone dedicated to each job required to uphold a sever. We run almost entirely on unique plugins written by our developers, creating a rich, one-of-a-kind multiplayer world that caters to many different kinds of players. Runsafe has everything to keep players interested, including various forms of gameplay, multiple worlds, and a constant stream of fun server events!
Survival World:
*Free for all, near-endless world enriched by features unique to Runsafe!
*Smart Warp teleports you into a completely random location in the world, preventing spawn-camping.
*Players can set multiple homes in the world, so you can always get back to your house!
*PvP, PvE, TNT, Fire spread, etc. -- everything is enabled for a true Survival experience!
*Griefing and raiding is allowed, bringing danger and excitement to the game! Players must outwit each other with hidden bases, traps and tricks to keep themselves safe!
*Runsafe Bank allows you to safely store your most precious items away from your enemies.
*Runsafe puts it's own spin on Survival Multiplayer with extra features; Summon friends to your location using in-game materials, track down your enemies with a tamed wolf, or test your hard-earned gear and combat skills in the savage 'Wild' PvP area! It's a dangerous world out there.. do you have what it takes to *survive*?
PvP Arena:
*Massive, self-contained PvP arena that exists separately from the Survival world.
*No waiting for matches to start, just grab your gear and hop into the action!
*Unlimited free gear for all players, so you'll never be left with no sword.
*PvP Shop where players can purchase better items using PvP points earned in-game!
*Ranking system keeps track of your skill level relative to other players!
*Leader board keeps track of the highest ranking players, so you always know who's on top!
*Chat broadcasts your kill streaks to show everyone when you start owning.
*Custom Spleef arena running on a unique Spleef Plugin.
*Matches start and reset automatically, just bring your friends and start spleefing!
*No tools required to play, just punch a block once to break it!
*Watchful staff eliminate pesky campers that bring games to a crawl.
Creative World:
Always wanted to build a giant city or a 1:1 model of the U.S.S Enterprise? Our creative world is the place for you! The entire world is split into plots thanks to our custom generation engine, allowing you a workspace as large as you need without anyone else being able to get in your way. Add friends to your plot and let them help, or go solo and build a masterpiece on your own. We also save backups of the world regularly, allowing us to undo any grief if a player somehow manages to hack our system.
*Rules: List of all server rules can be found at http://wiki.runsafe.no/index.php/Rules
*Plugins: List of all server plugins can be found at http://wiki.runsafe.no/index.php/Plug-ins
*Owners: docpify, Kruithne, JettKuso