Worlds Minecraft Statistics

Instantaneous quantity

Current number of Minecraft servers online is 3936 with 223846 total players.

Daily statistics

This daily chart diagram shows servers online and active players for las 3 months. This information is collected by continuous server ping with obtaining active players. To calculate active players we get the maximum number of players per day for each server and then we sum them up.

Server versions

Most popular Minecraft pure server versions and with issuer.

Top countries

List of top 20 countries with the most Minecraft servers online

Flag Country Servers
United States 2248
unknown 311
United Kingdom 304
Germany 223
Canada 152
Brazil 86
Netherlands 85
Spain 83
Australia 62
France 58
India 56
Mexico 45
Turkey 32
Italy 29
Poland 29
Argentina 28
Sweden 27
Philippines 25
Finland 22
Singapore 20