• Mitsuki (美月)'s banner
  • Server name
    Mitsuki (美月)
  • Owner
  • Java IP
    click to copy
  • Status
    ping status
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  • Rank
    Our rank
  • uptime
    how constantly online
  • Last ping
    how long ago was acknowledged
    29 minutes ago
  • Submitted
    13 May 2023
  • Tags
    PvE Roleplay Survival Vanilla Whitelist ?
  • Links
Mitsuki (美月)'s icon

Mitsuki (美月)

Full description of Mitsuki (美月)

Greetings, gentle soul,

This server is open to anyone above 16 years old provided the player has requested to join us via our Discord channel (see external link located on the right side of your screen) and agrees with our rules.

Mitsuki is a vanilla survival Minecraft server with some light elements of roleplaying. The difficulty is set to hard.

This server has thee types of areas:

- wild (most of the map): griefing, PVP and stealing will have consequences on the offender which will vary depending on the severity of the offense (reparative work, jail time, temporary ban, ban).

- forgotten lands (badlands, swamps and jungles): griefing, PVP and stealing can be performed without any consequences for the offender.

- towns (a formal request and requirements are needed to be recognized as such): griefing, PVP and stealing are prohibited. Any offense that will be taken to Mitsuki's court by a citizen of such towns will result in a ban.

Cheating and disrespect are always prohibited.

We hope you have fun!