• Minecraft but if you die you get banned for 24 hours's banner
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    Minecraft but if you die you get banned for 24 hours
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    2 minutes ago
  • Submitted
    03 Mar 2020
  • Tags
    Hardcore PvP ?
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Minecraft but if you die you get banned for 24 hours's icon

Minecraft but if you die you get banned for 24 hours

Full description of Minecraft but if you die you get banned for 24 hours

In a server where dying means losing everything, only the strongest alliances can survive.

At the center of the map there is the core, the ones living near it are the wealthiest, the ones living further from it are the poorest.

Level up with your friends to build and destroy closer to the core, where lower level players will have no chance at interfering with your reign.

But be warned: new players wont stay new forever, so be prepared for attacks when you least expect them.

And choose your fights wisely: as i told you if youll die you will lose everything, and you will be banned for 24 hours.

Jurney to the core: corejourney.org

With many deaths every day, on low influx hours there can be a much smaller amount of players online. Dont be afraid to check out the server later.