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09 Oct 2024
Creative Economy Skyblock Survival ?

Full description of JustOneMoreBlock
[h3]Network[/h3]Get easy access to all of our server though the main hub portals. Go from Survival to skyblock in a matter of seconds so you can maximize your production and fun through the Minecraft Universe.
Towns - Come join and establish your own town today! Certification includes region protection and a Governor Rank including adding 2 Mayors to be your assistant of you town in creating plots and setting up signs using Simple Region Market.
Economy - Various things you're able to do with money in-game, setting up a Chest Shop in the Market Town, Killing Mobs and owning a town and collecting money from players who buy plots.
mcMMO - Join in on the fun with a widely ranged MCMMO setup across multiple worlds. Rank up your mining, tree chopping, and fishing all without even lifting a finger.
Additional Worlds - You have access to Mineworld, Nether and The End. All these worlds re-gen the 1st of the Month for new ores/materials to be obtained.
List of some of our plugins: Craftconomy, Votifier, mcMMO, LWC, MondoChest, ecoCreature, Dynmap, CraftBook, ChestShop, SimpleRegionMarket
Survive on your own private island solo or with friends in the all new Skyblock World! You spawn on an island in the sky with limited (but enough) resources and must expand your island to become an empire. Enjoy hours of play time as you become lost in the ever lasting skyworld.
Create your own 128x128 creative plot to build your dreams! Get full access to your plot, it’s biomes, and all items without limitations! Fly to your friends plots and help them build anything from a city to a roller coaster.
With tons of Minecraft Mini-Games coming to the server soon, you won’t want to miss out on the action. Earn money in Hunger Games, Hide & Seek, and many more!
For information of our server you can check out website at http://justonemoreblock.com