Server name
Java IP
click to copyplay.broomstix.net -
Bedrock IP
click to copyplay.broomstix.net:19132 -
ping status -
currently playing / max possible -
Our rank -
how constantly online -
3 minutes ago
Last ping
how long ago was acknowledged -
11 Nov 2021
Creative Cross-Play Economy Hardcore PvE PvP Survival Vanilla Land claim ?

Broomstix SMP
Full description of Broomstix SMP
A new SMP server, Broomstix, has opened up and we are looking for players so that we can build a friendly community.
IP: play.broomstix.net
Ports: 25565 (Java), 19132 (Bedrock)
Discord server (w/ voice channels): http://discord.broomstix.net/
Online In-game map: https://map.broomstix.net/
- Running on the latest Minecraft version.
- Backwards compatibility for previous Minecraft versions.
- Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required for bedrock players).
- Players get overworld flight (/fly) on Sundays.
- A land claiming through the protection stones plugin and players can lock their chests by placing signs on them.
- A vanilla economy system and the use of chest shops to trade items for diamonds, gold, iron or any other material.
- Anti grief with available staff to roll back any damages in claimed and unclaimed areas.
- If 50% of all online players sleep, the night is skipped.
- Random teleportation to an unclaimed area so players can start their survival gameplay.
- In-game private messaging, homes and /sethome and player to player teleportation (/home, /w, /msg, /tell, /r, /tpa, /tpahere)
- Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away from the game.
- Server rules set up to make the server friendly and safe to people of all ages.
- Extensive measures against harassment, toxicity, hacks or cheats. The discord relay allows staff to monitor any incidents and take immediate action.
- A very supportive staff team and support channel on our discord server.
- Donator ranks.
- Voting ranks and rewards
- Server shops and tutorial warps (/warp).
- Early spectator access to the on-going server projects world.
- Hosted in North America.