Search for best Minecraft servers

with Raiding gameplay

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Stone Zone

Stone Zone

|=- Dank Loot & Craftable Land Claims |=- Treecapitation & Paper Bark |=- Silk Touch Spa

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Players: 0/64

Rank: 37

Uptime: 100%

Economy PvE PvP Raiding Survival Towny Vanilla
Escape From Tarkraft

Escape From Tarkraft

Escape From Tarkraft Loot, shoot, and scoot. Economy that makes you PVP. Info: Loot the map, take out Scavs. Protect

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Players: 0/400

Rank: 37

Uptime: 97.9%

Economy PvP Raiding Vanilla


We are a fusion of PvP and Survival, with old-style (1.8) combat mechanics. It is open land of fighting, hiding, buil

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Players: 0/60

Rank: 37

Uptime: 100%

PvE PvP Raiding Survival
Sanctum Network

Sanctum Network

AVATAR ANARCHY IS NOW PART OF THE MULTIVERSE! 1.21 Latest Version, Bending Factions SMP! Bedrock & Java Friendl

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Players: 0/200

Rank: 37

Uptime: 100%

Anarchy Economy Factions PvE PvP Raiding Survival
Angels Reach

Angels Reach

Angel's Reach is a unique server that has been carefully crafted by its creator, VergilPrime. The experience is tailo

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Players: 1/64

Rank: 37

Uptime: 99.6%

MCMMO PvE PvP Raiding Survival Vanilla
Crispy Anarchy

Crispy Anarchy

Powered by Spigot and enriched with bespoke plugins introducing a plethora of unique items, our server invites you to embr

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Players: 0/999

Rank: 37

Uptime: 93.2%

Anarchy PvE PvP Raiding Survival
JhoS - Minecraft Server

JhoS - Minecraft Server

The former [LMT] Server is back with other name. Clan Jhoo has brought the server back to you with a new map, new ide

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Players: 0/100

Rank: 37

Uptime: 100%

Economy MCMMO Raiding Survival Towny


Server IP: Website: Discord: Pixelmon Re

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Players: 0/2024

Rank: 37

Uptime: 100%

Economy PvE Parkour Pixelmon Raiding Towny


As of now, CitrusMC's pre-season is open for visitors. We'd like to see some new faces stop in and give us feedback!

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Players: 0/20

Rank: 36

Uptime: 100%

Factions PvE Raiding Survival


It's a multi-team survival server. When joining the server, you are prompted to choose between team yellow, team red,

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Players: 0/20

Rank: 36

Uptime: 100%

PvE PvP Raiding Survival Vanilla


Welcome players! GodForged is a 1.20.1 Greek/Roman Mythos RP Nations server! Build a character, join a nation, and

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Players: 0/100

Rank: 36

Uptime: 100%

PvP Raiding Roleplay


HegicChronicles is a minecraft server based on the topic of magic. Every player is a witch, who manipulates the energ

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Players: 0/50

Rank: 36

Uptime: 100%

Economy Factions PvE PvP Raiding Survival
Syphers Gaming

Syphers Gaming

Join the Syphers Gaming factions server for a ssspectacular adventure! Unleash your inner blockhead and sneaky snek i

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Players: 0/48

Rank: 36

Uptime: 100%

Factions Parkour PvP Raiding Survival
The Nordics

The Nordics

Welcome to Nordics, a minecraft server where you can explore, build, and fight in a realistic and immersive world. No

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Players: 0/25

Rank: 36

Uptime: 99.3%

Earth Economy PvP Raiding Survival Towny
Uni Anarchy Survival Server

Uni Anarchy Survival Server

Perth, Australia Hosted Survival Anarchy Vanilla Small Minecraft Server Genuine Minecraft 1.16.X, 1.17.X Vanilla / S

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Players: 0/50

Rank: 36

Uptime: 97.9%

Anarchy Factions PvP Raiding Survival Vanilla
Official Resurgence

Official Resurgence

The Official Resurgence server is now live and open to the public! 24/7 Raiding, PvP Allowed IP: play.mcresurgence.c

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Players: 0/100

Rank: 36

Uptime: 100%

Anarchy PvE PvP Raiding Survival
Weekdayz Community

Weekdayz Community

A dedicated community of friendly members looking to play Minecraft with simple plugins to enhance vanilla survival. Towny

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Players: 0/20

Rank: 36

Uptime: 90.0%

Economy Parkour PvP Raiding Survival Towny


Aetheral is a small community server, that is lots of fun! We offer many things such as: Wizards PokemonMysteryDungeo

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Players: 0/10

Rank: 35

Uptime: 100%

Factions MCMMO PvE Raiding Skyblock
Alfheim Anarchy

Alfheim Anarchy

Miss the old minecraft before Microsoft? is a completely unmoderated 1.7.2 vanilla mature minecraft server

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Players: 0/60

Rank: 35

Uptime: 100%

Anarchy PvE PvP Raiding Survival Vanilla


Welcome to Zurve Minecraft server! Survival | Parkours | Fossils & Artifacts | MCMMO | Slimefun | Jobs | Ranks | Very

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Players: 0/96

Rank: 35

Uptime: 100%

Factions MCMMO PvE Parkour PvP Raiding Roleplay Survival Survival Games
Perplex Network

Perplex Network

Our network features new up comming servers with new aspects to them, we provide a fun and enjoyable place to play an

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Players: 0/20

Rank: 35

Uptime: 100%

Economy Factions Hardcore Prison Raiding