Tag Lucky block
This is the Minecraft servers with Lucky Blocks mod installed. Lucky blocks is an add-on that introduces new blocks.
Normally gold is a resource on servers you got in abundance and this mod will help you transform that gold into lucky blocks.
The implementation and usage of Lucky Block can vary, but generally the same idea. A mystery block that can either contain something good or bad.
Top 12 of Best Minecraft servers tagged Lucky block

UniversoCraft es un servidor de Minecraft con un equipo profesional y solido detras, se trata de un servidor semi-premium
read morePlayers: 379/20000
Rank: 52
Uptime: 100%

Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons by CraftersLand
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: rad.craftersland.net Server Info: Grie
read morePlayers: 12/400
Rank: 46
Uptime: 100%

ProjectOzone3 - Kappa Mode by CraftersLand
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: po3.craftersland.net Server Info: Gri
read morePlayers: 12/400
Rank: 46
Uptime: 100%

Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: sb2.craftersland.net Server Info: Gri
read morePlayers: 14/400
Rank: 46
Uptime: 100%

Welcome to our small, hobby-run Minecraft server! Hosted on a robust dedicated machine in Germany, we offer a normal survi
read morePlayers: 0/69
Rank: 45
Uptime: 98.0%

by CraftersLand - [Modded SkyBlock | ATLauncher] Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server
read morePlayers: 11/400
Rank: 44
Uptime: 100%

Welcome to SquirtleSquadMC! Our server is running Pixelmon Reforged "Always latest version" (adds over 900 Pokemon) Havin
read morePlayers: 3/80
Rank: 44
Uptime: 100%

Lucky Skyblock is one of the most unique skyblock servers! We have custom plugins, a great community, and features that ar
read morePlayers: 2/2024
Rank: 43
Uptime: 100%

Burken är en svensk survival-server med mcmmo och quests. Det är ett trevligt och hjälpsamt community av spelare som finns
read morePlayers: 2/100
Rank: 43
Uptime: 100%
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