Minecraft servers running one of the many different Feed The Beast custom modpacks. Each modpack includes a unique selection of mods that together add new features, blocks and world generation to the game. Before joining these servers you must first install the Feed The Beast launcher and download the specific modpack the server is running.

Top 12 of Best Minecraft servers tagged FTB

ProjectOzone3 - Kappa Mode by CraftersLand

ProjectOzone3 - Kappa Mode by CraftersLand

Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: po3.craftersland.net Server Info: Gri

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Players: 11/400

Rank: 46

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Survival Land claim Lucky block
RLCraft by CraftersLand

RLCraft by CraftersLand

Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: rl.craftersland.net Server Info: Grie

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Players: 27/400

Rank: 46

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Tekkit Land claim


Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: sb2.craftersland.net Server Info: Gri

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Players: 11/400

Rank: 46

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Survival Land claim Lucky block
Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles

Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles

Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: ddss.craftersland.net Server Info: Gr

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Players: 11/400

Rank: 46

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Survival Land claim
FTB SkyAdventures

FTB SkyAdventures

Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: sky.craftersland.net Server Info: FTB

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Players: 11/400

Rank: 46

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvP Skyblock Survival Land claim
SkyFactory 4

SkyFactory 4

Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: sf4.craftersland.net Server Info: Gri

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Players: 11/400

Rank: 46

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Skyblock Survival Land claim
Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons by CraftersLand

Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons by CraftersLand

Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: rad.craftersland.net Server Info: Grie

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Players: 0/0

Rank: 46

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Survival Land claim Lucky block


Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: rev.craftersland.net Server Info: Gri

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Players: 11/400

Rank: 46

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Survival Land claim


Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: dw.craftersland.net Server Info: Grie

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Players: 10/400

Rank: 46

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Survival Tekkit Land claim


Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: ulr.craftersland.net Server Info: Gri

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Players: 11/400

Rank: 46

Uptime: 99.6%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Survival Land claim
Tekkit SMP by CraftersLand

Tekkit SMP by CraftersLand

Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: tekkit2.craftersland.net Server Info:

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Players: 9/400

Rank: 45

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Survival Tekkit Land claim


Server Information: Modpacks: Tekkit SMP (v1.0.2) | Tekkit 2 (v.1.2.4) | The 1.12.2 Pack (v1.6.4) | RLCraft (v2.9.3) |

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Players: 34/100

Rank: 45

Uptime: 100%

Economy FTB PvE PvP Survival Tekkit Land claim

To view more FTB servers go to search page.